Steve Jobs was the CEO of the IT company Apple and the founder of the animation film production company Pixar. He was one of the most effective and influential businessmen in the world, and he changed the flow of the IT business and production.
The iPhone and iPad are among the most popular electronic products, with the iPhone being the most popular mobile phone in the world. How did he make the iPhone and Apple the most popular products? He used marketing skills to encourage people to buy the products.
People buy an iPhone because its design and convenience are significant advantages. Steve used these points in his marketing strategy by increasing the price of the iPhone, creating advertisements, and spreading them through New York Times Square, the Super Bowl, and TV commercials.
These advertisements emphasized the precision and design of the iPhone and were widely distributed. Apple also held promotions for new products to generate interest. Steve Jobs' eloquence also had a positive impact on marketing, and Apple's advertisements from that time still serve as the basis for the company's marketing strategies today.
We can see the determination of Steve Jobs and his ability to utilize marketing strategies for the products. This emphasizes the importance of marketing strategies for other firms later.
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